Saturday, December 29, 2007

Teacher's gifts

First, I must give Sharon and Laurie big thanks for these ideas!!
We were all chatting about what to give for school teachers' gifts, and I ended up taking a few ideas and making these little tins and canisters.
I went to the local "dollar store" and found plain cookie tins. They only had 4, I needed 6, so the panic search began through the store for the last 2. I ended up finding cute little glass containers that were already 'decorated' in Christmas-y like fashion, so I thought I would make 2 of those. I used my handy-dandy Quickutz Snowman for the lettering (which, by the way, I said "Oh, I won't ever use I am addicted to!). And then I used the Cricut to make the tags. The jars were quick and easy, I just put a title on the top and then wrapped a piece of ribbon that has cocoa cups on it - too cute. And those were done.
For the canisters, I just used patterned paper for the top, then wrapped ribbon around to hide the seams. Around the canister I used a winter-themed paper. Quick and easy.
I included in each little package some chocolates, hot cocoa packets, gloves, hand creme, chap-stick, tissues, and hand sanitizer. I was quite pleased with the results.

Thanks again to Sharon and Laurie for the wonderful ideas!!