Thursday, February 14, 2008


Posted by moi, Nichole with an H.

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies! Gosh, today is going to be a whirlwind, I know it. I love Valentine's Day, though probably not as much as Sharon. I realized this year that I have virtually NO valentine/romantic/pink and red decorations. I mean, my guest room is smothered in pink, and I guess I could move some of those items to the living room, but I have nothing that's just for V-Day.

This month I participated in a Valentine swap through a group I'm in. The cards I made for those ladies are about as romantic as it's gotten so far. I created 3 identical cards, here's a shot of one of them:

Kinda blurry thanks to the dimensional qualities of this card. Cupid is on a piece of foam adhesive, so he sticks out a bit. You can't really tell, but I used a blue souffle pen to add accents to the edges (polka dots) and the medallion in the middle.

I baked cookies for my two valentine's last night. Eleana ate one before bed, and Josiah had about 3.

A little messy with the icing, but they still eat the same!

And finally, here's a picture of the anniversary card I made for Josiah a couple weeks ago. Our 4th wedding anniversary was on January 24. We haven't truly celebrated yet though.

I'm getting geared up to make Josiah's valentine now...I'm a little behind. Eleana has her valentine finished for Daddy, but I've had other things to take care of. Who knows what this card will look like. Probably really pink. I'm all over pink lately.


Jenn said...

Looking great!
I so wish I could get into V-Day like you ladies! I think that because it's my Dad's B-day, it just takes something away from the day for me, ya know?

Scraphappynicole said...

Nicole, the cards are awesome. The cookies look yummmmmmmmmmy! I need to post all you ladies posted and I haven't I will today. Thanks for making me wanna post now!