Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our newest challenge

Our dearest Nichole (with an H) has set fourth a new challenge for us ladies. Challenges are just so addicting! She decided she wanted us to set a number of goals to accomplish before our next birthday. Because I am 28, I had to have 28 goals to accomplish before I turn 29. This was inspired by a challenge from the creator of the Love Elsie Line. You can view the challenge that inspired this challenge here....

I raised the picture that is in the middle with about three foam dots on top of one another. So it is really above the papers. I love this picture that Rick (Sharon's Hubby) took of me and decided I would use it. Sharon, have no fear, I did save your head and I am going to use it for something in an upcoming layout soon! I bought the pp's at the Dream and I just love the KAISER CRAFT paper imported from Australia. It is from the Pretty In Pink line, Grace. I am a really big fan of brown and pink together so this paper was so me! The scalloped paper is Making Memories Audry collection. The numbers I got a long time ago and I forget who makes them. The beads are from Walmart. The buttons are from yard sales. My mom is a professional Yard Saler and picks me up the best stuff! I used stickels fruit punch to add some glitz to the scallops. I used my favorite Signo pen to outline the MM paper and the buttons. I also doodled some hearts to match the paper along the outside of the circle.

My Goals are.....

1 - Get Alicia off the binkie
2 - Get Alicia potty trained (AGAIN) She was potty trained before I left for Vegas and when I cam back wanted nothing to do with it.
3- Loose 15-20 pounds
4- Give up tonic (I drink a case of coke a day)
5- Drink Water (I HATE WATER)
6- Get more active
7- Challenge myself more
8- Learn to accept things I can not change
9- Paint my downstairs bathroom ( I had the paint since we bought the house lol)
10- Worry less
11- Start going to mass again (church)
12- Clean my house more
13- Use more of my old supplies
14- Embrace my flaws
15- Go to a concert
16- Stop eating out so often
17- Take a new class/club
18- Learn photoshop better
19- Get published
20- buy clothes (hate buying clothes for myself because it is depressing)
21- Try less to analyze everything
22- Try to sew on a scrapbook page
23- Don't interrupt people in the middle of a story
24- Spend more one on one time with the hubby (Date night perhaps)
25- Take a vacation with friends (no hubby, no daughter)
26- Get pregnant before December (At least try)
27 - Stop making other people's problems my own
28- Stop being so hard on myself!
There you have it folks, my list! Thanks Nichole, for hosting a fun, useful challenge. Let's see how many I really stick too! xoxo


Jenn said...

I just love it! I too am a huge fan of pink and brown - for the longest time that was all that was in my wardrobe. LOL Your goals are amazing - well thought out. Good luck with them! It will be fun to look back to see how many you have accomplished and how many you need to bring over to next years list. :)
Now I have to get my behind in gear and work on my page!

Anonymous said...

Nichole, Never mind those goals of yours, you have already reached the ultimate goal as far as NaNa and I am concerened. You gave us another prescious and beautful GrandDaughter to love for the rest of our life. There is nothing as prescious as a Grandchild! We love you all very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Nichole, Never mind those goals of yours, you have already reached the ultimate goal as far as NaNa and I am concerened. You gave us another prescious and beautful GrandDaughter to love for the rest of our life. There is nothing as prescious as a Grandchild! We love you all very much!!!
PaPa Joe

Nichole said...

WOW! Some of our goals are practically identical. LOVE the papers, all of them are so gorgeous, and the thrifted buttons are perfect. My grandma gave me tons of vintage sewing findings (pearly buttons and thread mostly) but I haven't used anything yet.

Working on my goal page this evening, after we're done spring cleaning. We spring clean once a week. That's life with a toddler who's toys end up in every room of the house.

Anonymous said...

"You'll SAVE MY HEAD for another challenge"??!? That's just creepy, dude.

Nice job, even though I kept YOUR head in my layout ;)