Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby Shower Gifts

OK, so I have been working on this number for a long time!! Finally finished it the night before the baby shower!! Which was last weekend and I am now getting around to posting it. Give a girl a break - sheesh, you know what my ovaries have been through this week! LOL
Anyway, I wanted to do a BABY word book, but didn't get enough paper. *slaps forehead* So Miss. Nicole was so kind as to swap the word book for the Bo Bunny mini album.
I was so not into doing this album. Not in love with the papers. I had asked the mommy-to-be what she was having, but I didn't hear back from her, so was left to pick out random papers from my stash. In the end, I think it worked out just fine, I just had a hard time really pulling it together.

Now, a little note about the page with all the arrows. A certain person, who shall remain nameless, was making fun of me for putting all these arrows on one page, leaving room for a tiny little picture. Well, I thought it was cute/funny because they are all going to be pointing at the cute little baby. The Mommy liked it too...we have a similar sense of humor, so I knew it would work for her. So, there! LOL

Now, onto the can. I thought I would throw this one in totally last miniute. I only decided this because the girls decided to take a late night run to "The Dream". I decided to pick up some of this awesome paper and a can to make a "New Mommy Survival Kit" Sorry, I don't recall the paper line - I am sure that Miss. Nichole knows though because she's in love with it!! Anyway, here it is in all it's glory....


What's so funny? said...

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. That was the biz-bomb, baby! You rocked it!

That's right. R-O-C-K-E-D it. And I stand corrected about the arrows, they really do look cute. Hey, I can't always be perfect? I love the cut ribbons on the last page.

Rock on sistah!

Nichole said...

OMG! I love it all! The arrows are so cute, and before I even read anything, I assumed a baby picture would go there. Right on!

The deer paper looks so hot on the paint can. Ya'll are all about some paint can action up in MA. I gotta do me one of those some day.

When I went cropping Friday I had the pleasure of seeing the Fawned of You paper in person (another lady had ordered some online) and it is SO much cuter than it is in pictures. Very drool worthy.

Great job Jenn!

Scraphappynicole said...

I love the colors together. The green and purple look HOT! I love how this turned out! You should be proud, with the things you worked with you really worked it out! Your friend loved it and that is fantastic, what's not to love, The arrow page will forever hold a place in my heart! It was really a fun time when we cropped and Sharon and you had me peeing my pants laughing going back and fourth over the arrow page. Too Funny! Good Times!

Scraphappynicole said...

PS - The paint can looks so RETRO CHIC! I love, love, love that the paper worked! I knew it would.