Monday, March 31, 2008

Wanted! Lunatics (who create all the time)

Posted by the Scrap-tastic ME!

This challenge was put forth by scrap diva Jenn. Simply put - complete any unfinished project. For me, that would mean every other thing in my studio.

This little number wasn't too old. The pics were taken a few weekends ago at Nicole's. My apologies to Jenn, not pictured. She was too busy laughing.

I wanted to get this up the day after the crop as a surprise, but couldn't figure out what direction to go in. I used this cool paper I found ("Documentation"). I was trying to recreate an arrest warrant, but since I've never actually seen one, I had nothing to model it after.

Disappointed, I tossed it aside. However no matter where I put it, the unfinished layout kept resurfacing. I'd tuck it under a pile of this. Or shove it into a bundle of that. And it just kept popping up. Taunting me, with a New England accent "Loooosah". So after being at Nicole's once again last night I KNEW what had to be done.

...After pouring through the many layouts my diva friend had produced, I realized it was time to throw caution to the wind. I had to have a royal throw-down. Rub-ons, pens - the works - and just let the chips fall where they may. There was to be nothing pre-meditated about it.

I was just too calculated in my prior efforts. Take last night's project for example, where I spent a good quarter of the evening on a COVER. A cover, folks. Then after a returning from a break, hated it and dismantled the entire thing. Giving all my hand-me-downs to Jenn, who was seated next to me. She took each item without blinking, stuck it on whatever page she was working on, and just kept going, god bless her.

Now, the project pictured below is not what I was working on last night. I'll feature that another time. Below is a one page layout based on a crop a few weeks ago. You'll notice it's not at all typical of me. And I'm okay with that. I don't mind veering from my style if it gets me outside the box. For me, the layout expresses the feeling of lunacy we have when we're together. It almost has a "high school yearbook" feel to it. A bunch of adults that regress when they are together. Wanna sign my yearbook?


Scraphappynicole said...

OMG, I love the yearbook feel! I felt it as soon as I looked at it! I really feel like this could be a page straight out of my yearbook. I love that you put rubons right on the pics! That is flippin awesome. I love the sides with the quptes of things that were said. My sister and my potty mouth! lol That's the city in us. You can take the girl out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the gurl, so I am told. haaaaaaaaa Great job with this. I love it! Makes me want to scrap the pics from last night! Too bad we don't have a pole dancing pic! XOXO Kuddos to this lo!

What's so funny? said...

LOL. I meant to write "Guess who said what" on top of the list. Looks like you know ;) Last night was too funny. How's Zutter?

Jenn said...

I almost spit my shake out reading this! We had such a great time that night - and the other night. Can't wait to see what the future holds! Can you just imagine what it will be when the FOUR of us are in a room together?
GREAT LO! It is so out of the box for you, but it works! You ROCKED IT! Pisssah! LMAO

What's so funny? said...


And once again, I'm thinking, does Jenn laugh when she's reading this? A spit take is off the hook. This is going to be a really fun page to look back on. It's nice to do something different for a change! Thanks for the challenge, Jenn!

Nichole said...

I too am loving the yearbook feel. You should have all the girls sign it!

Rubons on the pictures...god Sharon, I remember when you were just starting out - you were so shocked that I had put rubons on a picture. Now look at you! You are the bomb girlfriend.

I can't wait for a scrapping reunion. I'm forseeing a trip in the nearish future hopefully. If I play my cards right. ;)